Proudly owned, operated,
and made in Canada
Raw materials and finished goods
always tested by ISO certified labs
Health Canada Licensed with
Natural Products Numbers (NPN)
All products manufactured in
GMP certified facilities
Therapeutic value with fewer
non-medicinal ingredients
" As a vegan I have tried quite a few different B12 products. I like the flavour. It dossolves very slowly. I just leave it in my cheek and forget about. Plus its the active form - methylcobalamin.
" In April of 2012, I suddenly found myself awaiting surgery to remove a very large kidney stone. The surgeons referred to it as a “horned stone”, an extremely rare condition .
This surgery required splitting the kidney opened to remove the stone. Other less aggressive methods for removal were not an option because of the size of the stone. At this time, they informed me that I had a very acidic system, which they believed caused this stone. They did not instruct me on any remedies or diet to rectify this problem, and I did not understand or was aware of the health conditions that could affect me with having this condition.
I continued on with life, combating sore joints in my shoulders, knees, fingers and wrist pain believing it was a normal condition that comes along with age, and the climate conditions I lived in.
I was introduced to Alkapure – Christmas 2015, and in a instant noticed a relief of joint pain, and my mobility improved each day. Also, at this time, I was suffering with severe tennis elbow from three weeks prior. This pain disappeared very quickly after taking this product and has not returned.
I have tested this product by stopping a dose only to quickly realize that my chronic pain returned in an instant.
I have recommended this product to others with the same conditions, they also noticed a significant improvement in joint pain and mobility and they will not be without this product.
To find a product that is all natural, without fillers or chemicals is absolute good fortune, and I would highly recommend this for anyone suffering with any of these conditions. I am so thankful for being introduced to this product, and would not hesitate to recommend it to others.
Susan M.
Susan M.
" THis was recommended by my ND. It has been a game changer in my life.
I now have a tool to work with stress when needed.
James B
" I feel cold every day, although I have never been diagnosed with hypothyroidism.
I tried Thyropure just out of curiosity and it seems to help me regulate my core temperature. I love it.
" My family has been using these capsules ,for at least three years.It is by far the most effective source to reduce muscle cramping
Dinshaw B.
" I thought I’d give you an update on my grandson and his bowel issue. We had a chat about the magnesium powder and how to get it into a 2 yr old. It has been working great with him, no more issues trying to get him to have a bowel movement ... it’s the best stuff! Thanks for your advice!
Bonny B
" The slow release formulation makes a huge difference. Not only can I see it working just like described in the webinars, I feel the energy until late afternoon.
Thank you !!
" I just wanted to say how much I love Pure Lab Vitamin's Magnesium Glycinate Powder. The quality surpasses anything I've found locally. I've noticed positive changes in my health only after a few weeks. My blood pressure has come down, my nails are looking better than ever, no more legs cramps waking me up in the night. My anxiety has lessen tremendously. I'm sure there are even more benefits that I can't see. Overall I feel better. Please thank Cyrus for me for making a superior product.
R. Foy
" I have acid reflux and a hiatus hernia and have always had a dry cough. I have been taking medication for this for a long time. Over the last year the cough has gotten worse and the doctor cannot seem to find out what is causing it. It is very annoying as I have to carry water and candies with me wherever I go as I never know when i am going to start coughing. It is also very embarrassing when it starts when you are in the dentist chair or at the chiropractor or just standing in a checkout line at. After visiting the Natural Food Pantry and learning about Alkapure, I decided to try them and the cough started to be less often. For three weeks it was gone altogether. It has started back again but I will keep taking the Alkapure as it does seem to be helping me and hope that one of these days it will be gone for good.
" Since I've been using Magnesium Glycinate every day, I don't experience leg cramps anymore. I've been using it for 5 months now. Your product is amazing and I would recommend it to anyone.
Glad that I found it.
Best regards,
" I am now a devoted customer of yours. Been reaping obvious health benefit from AlkaPure. I found it while shopping for magnesium, iodine and sodium bicarbonate. I was interested in those elements because cancer is very prevalent in my family and I wanted to take preventative measures. Most obvious benefits noted so far is dissipation of plantar fasciitis symptoms in my feet, joint stiffness disappeared, and even my right knee which had been bothering me for a while is no longer complaining.
Couldn't be more thrilled!
Caroline W.
" I’ve been using Pure Lab products for over a year. Specifically the Alkapure and Magnesium + Melatonin. I like the purity of the products, and the fact that they do what is advertised. Alkapure has balanced my digestive system, so I no longer have any indigestion or heartburn. Ever. The Magnesium + Melatonin provides me with less muscle fatigue, and a more peaceful sleep. These products are better than medication. They balance your bodies natural functions. Pure. All natural. That’s what I want to put into my body. Thank you Pure Lab Vitamins for making natural products we can trust... that actually work!
Tim L.
" At first, I was skeptical about using Pure Lab’s Magnesium Glycinate, but when I started hearing about how well the product works on Migraines (in my case), I started doing the regimen and I started to feel the difference after two days of taking it! Before doing the regimen, almost every day I had migraines and I couldn’t do stuff after a day’s work. Thanks to Pure Lab’s Magnesium Glycinate, now I’m in control of my migraines - better yet, my life!
P.M. Edmonton
" I got this recommended by my personal trainer, to take 2 caps pre- and post workout. OMG, I actually progress and have way less soreness.
Thank you.
Barry C.
" I have been taking the Slow Release L-Theanine for the last year twice a day as recommended by my family doctor and for the very first time had a normal Cortisol level in my blood work in nine years. It really helped me cope since June with a fractured (three places) Humerus and within a month Shingles (same side as the broken arm) with both being quite painful it has helped a great deal with the stress associated with it and to keep focus on my recovery. This is a great product to take for a nervous person like me.
Marie France B.
" Thank you so much for your recommendation of the L-Theanine Slow Release.
I can’t express how much it has helped me with my sleep.
First I thought it was like a sleeping pill, and I woke up feeling rested. Then I asked you why I woke up early. Thank you for explaining to me it’s not a sleeping pill but it promotes relaxation. I have been taking it every night for the last 2 months. Below is a snap shot of my resting heart rate (not included).
I am sure my great sleep has helped improve my resting heart rate.
" I just can't live without these [Magnesium Glycinate] pills. They stop my leg cramps and let me sleep. Best thing I have ever used.
Marian C
" What a great product. I especialy like the double micro encapsulation. Makes a lot of sense to prevent binding in the GI tract.
Carl K.
" I ventured into Healthy Planet today and was delighted to meet a very knowlegeable Health Representative from Pure Lab Vitamins. She just wow'ed me - clearly explained the product line and based on my symptoms, offered some information on glicynate versus bis-glycinate and the importance of slow release and bio-active B complex. And you are based in my home town too !!! thank you Pure Lab - keeping the information flowing.
" I practice at The Herbal Pathway and wanted to give you some excellent feed back on the Alkapure product.
I put 3 of my Clients on Alkapure.... 2 of them for Dry Eye disease and 1 for Sibo and Parasitic Infection with GREAT and amazing results.
I am also taking it myself for similar reasons,....with Excellent results... and the results were quick.
Thank you,
Denise T.
" Cathy recently had a flare-up of her chronic eczema, an inflammation of the skin that can become quite painful. In her words: "I used all kinds of over-the-counter creams, but nothing worked. I had to cover my hands with fingerless gloves to keep the skin moist. Then Mhari suggested I try Pure Lab Alkapure. I took the recommended dose and within 2 days I noticed a difference. After 2 weeks my hands were almost completely healed. It takes 6 - 8 weeks to realize the full benefit, but I was so happy that my hands were no longer tender and inflamed."
Foodsmiths Newsletter
" I may precise that the problem was crucial. Our grand-mother suffered for a pain on her vertebra due to a fall and the "syndrome restless achy legs" with spasms every two minutes prevented her to scar over and that was very painful. And now it's possible and she is going to rapidly heal. And I was sure that the solution was a lack of certain oligo-élément combined with another one. That was why I was certain to find the solution when I read your website.
" I have tried sooo many iron supplements. all of them give me constipation. This is the first supplement that doesn't. my energy is back and iron levels are finally moving up.
Evie D.
" I am quite satisfied with the outcome of the magnesium glycinate product from Pure Lab Vitamins. My daughter was occurring a twitch in her eyes and a few days after we started to add the magnesium glycinate to her diet, the twitching stopped almost to 100% It still occurs when we miss a daily dose of the product however, still very satisfying to see the result after trying other methods to stop the twitching.
" Thank you Kelly for providing excellent customer service & allowing me to order the magnesium glycinate through you since moving away from Ottawa as access to these supplements was a bit more of a challenge. I have been taking these supplements on & off for about 10 years due to my Fibromyalgia. It helps with my anxiety, pain & sleep. I always look forward to receiving my shipment of supplements since you include some surprise samples which is very much appreciated. The L-Theanine sample supplements combined with the magnesium works wonders at helping me stay asleep through the night. Thanks again for the fantastic prompt service & love the quality of the Pure Lab Vitamins!
" I had been using a different brand of iron, and it was causing lots of GI issues (mostly constipation).
A coworker mentioned this brand and I can say that I am no longer constipated and can keep my energy high!!
My gut and pelvic floor are very happy now :)
Sarah T
" I was shocked, after being on Magnesium Malate for a year, it still took 6 glycinate capsules to achieve bio-tolerance!
Anyway, I'm down to 2 caps at bedtime and feeling good.
Thank you.
Marc E.
" Magnesium Glycinate has been such a game changer, in that in taking just one capsule I am sleeping completely through the night. I am so happy with this product.
" I have taken magnesium for 22 years, but have never been able to take less than 1000 mg per day divided in two doses.
I did start your magnesium according and got up to 9 capsules a day, but needed to cut back to six.
But I have found that with your product my bowel function has changed to daily normal movements, where before in spite of the 1000 mg I was still constipated with only twice weekly movements, which has been a great improvement.
I find it also better for my muscle function.
" I have been struggling with some unexplained allergic reaction for around five weeks. It started with me waking up with hives on hands and feet at night and then I would just get random welts on different parts of me but most often on wrists. It happened in different places no matter what soaps or laundry detergent I used, I fasted, took Benadryl, but still didn’t sleep one full night. Then my wonderful friend suggested Alkapure by Pure Lab Vitamins, an Ottawa company,to fight it from the inside out. I took 6 caps the first day after waking up with a reaction as usual. I had a full night with no hives so did the same the second day. Again no hives no itch I am so happy!!! this has worked for indigestion for me but I forgot what the wrong acid-alkaline levels can do to a person!!
Tina C
I found relief with Alkapure
" Hi, I never heard of NAC before listening to your immune webinar. I was blown away. So many points lined up with my current situation. I've ben using it for one week now, and can already feel the difference on all kinds of issues. Thank you!
Sam B
" Thanks for your great products!
Lonna C
" I love these chewables, because they are sugar free. I use them when I have to get up at night, chew one and roll over back to sleep. :-)
" Since using this product I have benefited from deep, restful, uninterrupted sleep. I highly recommend it.
Dawn C.
" This product has reduced my arrhythmia by 80%. My doctor can't believe it.
" The product is amazing.
I've been on iron supplements for over 5 years and I've finally found an iron that not only works (and it REALLY works) but it's a product that I can stand by. Thank you for for using a veg.capsule and thank you for creating something that has positively affected my life quality. You have a life long customer.
" Pure Lab Vitamins changed my life! I was in a car accident 9 years ago that left me with chronic back pain. I took anything and everything that a doctor prescribed to me to alleviate my pain. Narcotics left me feeling zombie like and worthless. After years of changing my diet and physical activities to give my body some relief I tried Cyrus's magnesium. I met with him and he explained to me how this would help and why it would. The first thing I noticed was that I could sleep better, more relaxed and restful. My stomach didn't bother me and I could go to the bathroom without diarrea or constipation. I had more mobility in my joints, not so stiff. AND I was in far less pain! I felt a huge improvement overall. I would recommend this product to anyone. This product helped change my outlook on life, and restored my confidence to belief in my body again.
Thank you to Cyrus for all that you have done!
Jennifer Milton
" As a vegan I have tried quite a few different B12 products. I like the flavour. It dossolves very slowly. I just leave it in my cheek and forget about. Plus its the active form - methylcobalamin.
" April 7th, 2014
Cyrus, my wife Carol is doing very well with the magnesium regiment for migraines you suggested she should go on. She has only had one bad headache, (not a migraine) in the last two months!
That’s a big improvement over migraines almost every two to three days she has suffered for the last eleven years. Carol has seen many Doctors and specialist over the years and all they ever did was increase the drugs she had to take.
Since starting Magnesium Glycinate Carol has reduced her need for other medications she used to help manage the pain and nausea. Carol’s quality of life has gone from a low of 2 to a new high of 8, her energy level is the highest level I have seen in years.
Cyrus thank you so much for helping my wife and me. I have my wife back from the land of pain and we both have a far better quality of life than I ever expected to see again.
We owe all that to you Cyrus, words can never re-pay you for what you have given us back.
Thank you Georges and Carol
Carol & Georges
" I have recently started taking your Magnesium Glycinate capsules. Before I found this product I was using a magnesium product I bought in a drugstore because I was experiencing leg cramps during the night and when I would get up in the morning. However, the drugstore magnesium product was not helping. Upon the recommendation of a friend I switched to taking 1 or 2 of Pure Lab’s Magnesium Glycinate capsules daily. Since I switched to your brand I have not experienced any cramping, so I am pleased!
Anne-Marie B.
" The Pure Lab Magnesium Glycinate Powder has been my go to product for years. One scoop in water before bed helps me fall asleep easily. I wake feeling refreshed, and feel more human throughout the day.
I have tried other versions of this product from my pharmacy, and they did not seem to absorb as well - the effect just wasn't there.
My quality of life is much improved and I am so glad a friend recommended Pure Labs to me.
Gosia B
" I stopped by your booth at the Victoria Health Show on Saturday and got a sample of your B Complex. I’m happy to report that I experienced significantly less discomfort than the other brand I’ve tried.
Marcie G
Marcie G
" I began using magnesium {in the citrate form} on a regular basis in 2013 after being diagnosed with a chronic pain syndrome {Complex Regional Pain Syndrome}. It was recommended by my health care provider to help with poor sleeping and pain issues. Though it helped me get to sleep more easily, there was not much effect on the issue of chronic pain or worsening chemical sensitivities and headaches.
In 2014, I sustained a concussion and whiplash after an accident. This precipitated increasingly severe chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue and very frequent, very severe headaches {5-6 times per week}.
One day, while experiencing a HUGE migraine headache, I stopped at a local natural food store for something to ease it... and this is when PURELABS Magnesium Glycinate was recommended by the naturopath. She recommended I "load" myself with the magnesium and do this under the guidance of the pharmacist {and co-owner} of PURELABS. Cyrus was of tremendous help to me in gauging proper dosage and was always available to answer questions I had. I discovered that I was severely deficient in magnesium and, within a few months of taking it, the frequency & severity of the headaches diminished to a few times a MONTH! I am now at a small, regular bedtime dosage and RARELY get headaches!! The quality of my sleep is excellent and I awaken feeling restored and refreshed!
A month after loading with magnesium, I used Alkapure for a month or so and found that a painful bunionette near my small toe vanished and has never returned!!
I recommend both products to friends and clients and am ever-grateful for the helpful, kind & knowledgeable staff at PURELABS and the availability of such amaaazing products!!! AND it is wonderful to support a local business here in ottawa!
With much gratitude,
E.S. {Ottawa}
April 2016
E.S. Ottawa
" I’ve been using Pure Lab products for over a year. Specifically the Alkapure and Magnesium + Melatonin. I like the purity of the products, and the fact that they do what is advertised. Alkapure has balanced my digestive system, so I no longer have any indigestion or heartburn. Ever. The Magnesium + Melatonin provides me with less muscle fatigue, and a more peaceful sleep. These products are better than medication. They balance your bodies natural functions. Pure. All natural. That’s what I want to put into my body. Thank you Pure Lab Vitamins for making natural products we can trust... that actually work!
Tim L.
" I bought this after watching the Osteo Webinar on your website.
It feels good to use an alkaline calcium product. I found Andrea's dosage recommendations especially helpful.
Claire C.
" This is the only B6 product I have ever seen in a slow release formula.
Makes so much sense. Thank you.
" I have been using Pure Lab Vitamins Magnesium Glycinate capsules for years. I LOVE them and could not live without them!
Karen Nielsen
" My ND told me that copper is also needed for hemoglobin production. But in much smaller quantity comapred to iron. I like the dosage at only 1 mg per capsule.
Amanda S.
" I spoke to you in the spring about your Magnesium Glycinate & have been using it since. I notice a great difference from the effect of Magnesium Citrate (All Calm) which I have been taking for years. The Magnesium Glycinate effect on bowel movements is more gentle as opposed to the dramatic/explosive results with Mag Citrate.
I am seventy years old & run a 722 acre farm with close to a hundred animals by myself. Ten years ago I had a sudden onset of joint pain which prevented me from keeping up with my work. The physicians were of the opinion that I was “lucky to have escaped arthritis so long” that it was “normal” & that I should simply take Ibuprofen till the cows come home.
To me this was not normal & requested assistance eradicating the cause rather than resorting to pain medication. They had no suggestions & reiterated that arthritis comes with age.
It took two to three months of Magnesium Citrate to eradicate the calcium in my joints & I have had no recurrence as long as I take Magnesium. I take 8-10 capsules of Magnesium Glycinate per day & am especially pleased with the results. As I said: it is gentle & keeps my joints limber, flexible & pain free.
Rosemary K
Rosemary K.
" What a great product! I noticed a difference within a week of using it - and I've been diagnosed with iron deficient anemia. I also had a great consultation with Cyrus, their in-house pharmacist. Overall, I highly recommend their products, services and expertise.
Kenzie M.
" I’ve been taking these for almost a year and can’t believe the difference they make in my sleep and menopausal aches and pains and anxiety. I love that they are a Canadian made product as well ❤️
Michelle R
" I bought this at Earthly Essentials..listened to your talk..changed my life..thank you
Susan J.
" After 30 plus years of suffering from Levator Ani Syndrome, I headed to the health food store and purchased magnesium glycinate.
Took one capsule as I left the store, 30 min later rectal pain diminishing, 3 hrs later no pain, zero!
And haven't had any discomfort now for 6 mos .
All those years of sometimes excruciating pain are now just a painful memory.
Karen G.
" I have suffered from IBS for many years and indigestion due to a hiatal hernia in my stomach not to mention that I have fybromialgia and osteoarthritis. I was on acid reduction pills prescribed from my doctor which did not even help me. Every day after meals, I used to have gurgling noise in my stomach, indigestion, bloating, abdominal cramps and gas issues.
I finally decided to go to Market Organics and met Nandita who recommended that I take Alkapure. I wasn't sure if this would help me after all the products I had taken before.
Well, to my surprise, just after taking 2 capsules of the first day all my symptoms disappeared. I could not thank you enough and this I believe will change my life. I cannot wait to see how I will feel after one week.
I do believe that this will help IBS sufferers.
" My Grandmother suffered from severe joint pain that seemed to get progressively worse over the course of 10 years. She also suffered from frequently occurring bone fractures that would leave her crippled and in intense pain for weeks – having to rely on a walker to help get her around the house. When I gave her a bottle of Alkapure she noticed immediate and drastic results! She's been taking Alkapure for over one month now, dosing at 4 capsules daily, 2 in the morning and 2 at night, on an empty stomach, and is amazed at the results she's been having after only a short period of time. She reported feeling stronger and able to walk freely without her walker. She was also able to move her joints without stiffness or pain, as she was unable to wiggle her toes for nearly 10 years and can now move them freely. Her doctor even commented on how well she looked and on her improvements. From seeing these amazing improvements in her health, she tells me she won’t go a day without Alkapure now and plans to continue to take it long-term, while monitoring her pH levels. She feels truly grateful to have found a product that works so well for her.
" I’m originally from Ottawa but moved to Australia 6 years ago. The pharmacy on Dalhousie St. introduced me to Pure Lab vitamins a few years ago and haven’t looked back since!
I had great results using the Thyropure formula for the last three months. My TSH is usually hovering around the 4 mark but my bloodwork this week showed it at 2.1!! The lowest it’s ever been ever!
I used to work at a health food shop in Australia and the supplements there didn’t come close to being as potent as the Pure Labs formulas. So I continue to order my supplements from you every 3 months! Thank you for the great service and being able to accommodate me being all the way in Australia!
" Thank you Kelly for providing excellent customer service & allowing me to order the magnesium glycinate through you since moving away from Ottawa as access to these supplements was a bit more of a challenge. I have been taking these supplements on & off for about 10 years due to my Fibromyalgia. It helps with my anxiety, pain & sleep. I always look forward to receiving my shipment of supplements since you include some surprise samples which is very much appreciated. The L-Theanine sample supplements combined with the magnesium works wonders at helping me stay asleep through the night. Thanks again for the fantastic prompt service & love the quality of the Pure Lab Vitamins!
" I started using this product over a year ago on the recommendation of the staff at Kardish after I asked the question, "What products do the staff use themselves?" At age 62, I recently started experiencing muscle cramping as well as other aches and pains. I don't use Tylenol or Advil because it is too aggressive on the liver. I have really noticed a significant improvement with the magnesium. It helps me sleep better and is helping my muscles to relax more with no cramping any more. I feel like a plant that has been rejuvenated with a nutrient dense fertilizer. Excellent product. I also use the Pure Lab L-Theanine and add Vitamin C to augment the effects. I was contemplating getting a pharmaceutical aid for anxiety but this works very well and is all natural with health benefits.
Gary W
" These work really fast. I take a few before my dentist appointment and it helps me a lot.
" This product is quite amazing. It keeps me calm and focussed at the same time.
" I was drawn to this product for its straight forward formulation. It feels like the Ashwaghanda and L-Theanine helps me mute all today's noise, while the Rhodiola gives me focus on what is important. Love it.
I am taking 2 caps twice daily as needed.
" We have so many positive stories about your Magnesium! One that sticks out is from an 85 year old woman who fell and injured her hip. She was in tremendous pain and not sleeping properly and very stressed, she reluctantly purchased the Magnesium Glycinate. 1 week later, she stopped by out of her way, to let us know that she was so happy that we recommended the Magnesium Glycinate. She was sleeping all through the night, she was out of pain and off her harsh narcotic prescriptions. She was very thankful. The positive feedback and changes in peoples lives from Magnesium Glycinate is wonderful!
Chiropractic Care and Longevity Center
Dear Pure Lab,
I just thought I would take a minute to tell you how much I appreciate your chewable L-Theanine product. It has had such a positive impact on my life. It has been more effective than anything else for easing anxiety, basically eliminating panic attacks and lowering my blood pressure.
I tell people about it all the time. I recommended it to a good friend whose teenaged son was having terrible anxiety issues in his last year of highschool It helped him tremendously. I have even introduced it to my doctor.
It is a wonderful, very effective product.
Sonja O.
" I met Cyrus at the OAND convention this past weekend, and took a sample of the Magnesium Glycinate. My daughter had just undergone elective surgery on Wednesday, and was at home recovering. She had been taking Tylenol 3 for pain. On Saturday evening, she developed a "splitting headache" and also informed me she had been constipated for a couple of days. The constipation is a common side effect with the Tylenol 3, and I was giving her lots of high fibre foods and lots of fluids (water, herbal tea), but the constipation persisted. I had the Magnesium supp with me and gave her 2 capsules. After 20 minutes, no change, so I gave her a 3rd capsule. Within 15 minutes, the headache was gone. And 40 minutes later, she had a very satisfying BM! This is a great product, and will definitely be recommending it to patients. Thank you Cyrus!
Judith Fiore
" After less than three months of using the Carbonyl Iron twice a day, my levels have gone from a low of 9 all the way up to 21. I've used a few different iron supplements over the years and this is the first one to make such a difference so quickly....and all with no side effects like the nausea I always got from the others.
Linda A.
" Pure lab supplements have been a big part of my recovery for many years. They are absolutely the best supplements I have ever used! When it comes from pure lab you know you can trust it's ingredients and quality. Thank you Pure Lab!
Karen N.
We Want to Hear From You!
Please leave us feedback on your experience with our products. We make them for you.
Bay 200-250 City Centre Ave. Ottawa, ON, K1R 6K7
© 2025 Pure Lab Vitamins Inc. • Website Design by Light Switch Creative • Powered by PINCH • E.& O.E. Updated February 19, 2025 .
This web site is not intended to provide medical advice. All information, including graphics, images, text, and blogs are for general information purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have read; do not rely on website information in place of seeking professional medical advice.
© 2025 Pure Lab Vitamins Inc.
Website Design by Light Switch Creative • Powered by PINCH
E.& O.E. February 19, 2025.
This web site is not intended to provide medical advice. All information, including graphics, images, text, and blogs are for general information purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have read; do not rely on website information in place of seeking professional medical advice.